It's Time
to master the buyer side of the transaction!

In Buyer Agent Mastery
you'll learn:
How to Get Buyers to Commit to Working With You
First thing we need to do is get buyers in for a consultation. Learn exact scripts of what to say, how to say it, and when. You meet with sellers before listing their home, now learn how to explain the buying process. Treat your buyers just like you do your sellers. Earn their business at the consultation.
Exactly What to Say at the Consultation
They have agreed to sit down with you to learn the process, now learn how to do a buyers consultation from end to end. Michael will provide the presentation, and all forms, checklists, systems, and process for you.
How to Turn Every Buyer into a Raving Fan and Earn Referrals for Life
The foundation of your business is referrals. Learn how to maximize every interaction and earn referrals. Michael will even teach you his strategy for earning referrals at the consultation....before even showing the first house.

You + Buyer Agent Mastery = Everything You Need to Work With Buyers, Get Paid, and Earn Referrals!
The rules are changing thanks to some upcoming proposed guidelines. Doing a buyer consultation, or even working in professional capacity as a buyers agent, might be something new for you. Luckily for you, Michael incorporated the buyers consultation into his team over 20 years ago.
Learn his exact consultation, and entire system for the process of meeting with clients, including getting the signed agreement at the consultation.
Then he will show you how to take this new relationship to the next level to earn referrals.
Imagine Walking into Your Next Buyer Appointment Feeling:
- Confident, because you know what you are going to say and why clients should work with you.
- Organized, because you have a system in place to earn new buyers AND how to keep them.
- Eager and excited to help new clients solve their problems.
A Note From
Michael J. Maher...
I've been wanting to do this class, Buyer Agent Mastery, for quite a while now. Well, it's time. Our industry is proposing some pretty big changes to the way that we do business. These changes may not fully take effect until July, but that doesn't stop us from getting educated and prepared now. The Buyer Agent Mastery class will get you ready now.
It's time to go from a transactional business model and mindset to a transformational approach. Yes it is still about relationships, but we need to think bigger, better, and smarter. Go from a transactional mindset THROUGH a relational one to TRANSFORMING your clients into raving fan Ambassadors who speak highly of you and refer you willingly and often. You will get paid more and more often by focusing on transforming your clients rather than just seeing it as a transaction - or even just a friendly transaction (relational). In BAM, I will show you how.

Having your personalized buyer consultation ready now.
Exact process in place to earn referrals from new buyer clients.
And instruction and feedback along the way!

What's Included:
#1- An 8 Session In Depth Training on a Currently Ignored Pillar of Your Business
It's time to level up your business. And it's time to treat your buyer clients just like you treat your seller clients.
#2- All Forms, Checklists, and Presentations for You
This class will not only provide you the framework to create your buyer system, but will provide all of the actual documents, checklists, and presentations you need to have your entire system in place.
#3- Support From Me & My Team
World class support from me and my entire team for the entire class. We will be meeting on Zoom twice per week, but if your question cannot wait we will have dedicated support just for you.

How do I know if I'm ready?
Perfect for you if:
- You're ready to stop spinning your wheels and wasting time
- You want your next steps strategically planned
- You're overwhelmed by doing this on your own and wish you had someone to bounce ideas off
- You find yourself paralyzed with uncertainty and need a kickstart
- You are ready to finally put a process in place for your buyer business
Not for you if:
- You're an excuse maker
- You aren't willing to take advice and be coachable
- You can't invest in yourself and your success
- You aren't ready to take the necessary steps to move your business to the next level
- You want to keep procrastinating, being unproductive and staying at the same level of service you are currently giving your buyer clients

Let's Take a Look at What's Inside BAM:
Session 1: The Ultimate Buyers Consultation
Please allow 90 minutes for this first session. Michael is going to jump RIGHT in with his ultimate buyers consultation. Please attend this class with the mindset of a buyer to experience this presentation.
Session 2: How to get Buyers to Commit
Now we will break down the entire process of working with buyers step by step. Starting with how do we get buyers to commit to meeting with us before showing the first property.
Session 3: Prepare to Meet Your Buyers
You have the appointment. Now you need to fully plan out and execute the prep portion of meeting with your new potential clients.
Session 4: The Wandering Phase
This phase of working with buyers you will be focusing on educating your buyers about the market, and how you will strategize to win their perfect home.
Session 5: The Wondering Phase
Now that your buyers are under contract, you must stay in touch. Learn the contract to close strategy that will not only keep your buyers in the loop and happy, but sending others your way.
Session 6: The Wonderful Phase
Your clients have made it to closing and are now in their new home. Learn how to follow up and show up for your clients for life.
Session 7: The Big Picture
This session is all about taking a step back.....we've covered a lot of ground. We will fill in any holes in your process and make sure you are ready for your next buyer client.
Session 8: More Consultations and Wrap Up
You saw Michael's buyer consultation at the very first session....but maybe you want another perspective? We have a special guest lined up to share their buyer consultation with you today AND answer any other lingering questions.
Wait, What's Included Again?
Forms, Checklists, Presentations
All of the forms, checklists, and presentations that Michael mentions in the class will be available for you to customize and use as your own.
8 LIVE Zoom Sessions
All 8 sessions of this class will be lead by Michael himself. All sessions will be recorded for you to review.
Full Support
If you have a question we will be there to answer.

The Ultimate buyer system needs to be implemented into your business now!